Profile: Stanislav Lazarov

See Stanislav Lazarov's artwork here

Stanislav Lazarov was born in 1984. 

I am the author of eleven individual exhibitions and I have also taken part in
numerous group projects.


2005-2009 I studied painting, drawing, icon painting and decorative art at a university in Veliko Tarnovo - Bulgaria.
For the last two years I have specialized in mural painting and mosaic
During my studies at the university, I participated in the restoration of several Orthodox churches, as well as several group exhibitions.

In 2011-2012, I taught at the university in the city of Taraklia-Moldova region under the program of the Ministry of Education between Bulgaria and Moldova

Welcome to my world, where I try to create the perfect space and time.
I want to provoke the mind through the abstract.
For me, art is a force that builds bridges between people.


Stanislav Lazarov


Stanislav Lazarov




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