Profile: Mette Egebæk

See Mette Egebæks artwork here

Mette Egebæk.

I am a self-taught visual artist and have been painting since my childhood.
I have participated in several art fairs, exhibited in art associations and I collaborate with several galleries, both in Denmark and abroad.
To get there, it has taken time and lots os realizations and work with insight, self-understanding, techniques and mistakes. The most important to me, is to express all my sides - both humour, magic, the dark sides and of course the joy of life.

I have come to a more honest expression and a greater embrace of all of me. I am fascinated by putting all the colors and stories we hold, for the viewer to see. The bravest thing in the world is to be vulnerable.

I use acrylic paint because it satisfies my impatient and passionate temperament. My goal is to mirror the soul of others, to see that they see themselves in my art.
It is the essence of what we all do every day.

We mirror ourselves in others and attribute to them characteristics that we ourselves holds. That's why I love to hear what others see in my art, because it gives me a small glimpse of their soul.

My desire is to make people stop and stay just a little more curious about themselves and the world around them. A curiosity that is essential to becoming more aware - the world needs it. More self-awareness and consciousness. More courage to look at the dark sides in ourselves.

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