Profile: Kirstine Marie Moos

See Kirstine Marie Moos's artwork here

To me, drawing is a way of expressing my inner feelings and thoughts. There are lines that live inside me, just waiting to come out. When they are on paper, I can look at them and try to understand. My goal is always to develop myself and my abilities. It is incredibly important for me to try to understand my inner voice, and to live a life in balance, where I listen to my intuition and make decisions according to what makes me happy.

I draw to understand myself and to explore the world I live in. And not at least also to understand my own mind and the people I have in my life.
To me, imperfection is the foundation of our uniqueness. My message is that beauty is found in our human imperfections. This is where I find my inspiration. In the imperfect.

I love the simplicity of line drawings. And I especially like that I start out without knowing where the work will end. It's about showing an emotion through a specific technique. It looks easy, but it's actually incredible difficult to bring out simplicity in something as complex as the human being.

Kirstine Marie Moos


My collection is called "I am the captain of my soul"
A story about the influence the mind & one's mindset has on what you experience and create in your life. We create our own limitations. Believe in yourself. You have everything you need to achieve what you dream of. Everything is possible. Do what makes you happy. Explore. Dream. Discover. The road is not always a dance on red roses, but embrace it and take it as an important lesson, to grow as a human being.


Kirstine Marie Moos

Kirstine Marie Moos

Kirstine Marie Moos

Kirstine Marie Moos

Kirstine Marie Moos

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