Profile: Yuliya Gurskaya

Every painting is my whole life: all my experiences, all min knowlege and all my feelings. My inspiration comes from the movements and patterns I see in human relationships, and between people and nature. Sensual woman, who is often the personage of my paintings, embodies femininity in all its magnificence and is absolutely mesmerizing to those around her. She possesses a certain sparkling quality that radiates from the inside out.

I was born in 1978 in the Far East, near the Chinese border. My parents comes from Ukraine. The interest in painting began already in my childhood, for a few years I went to arts school. Here I was educated as industrial designer / technician and worked many years in textile industry, both in Denmark and Ukraine. 

My techniques:

I draw with free hand, paint with brush and with hands. I use acrylic painting, water based varnish and other mediums, work with different techniques, however, I am inlove with fluid technology and my favorite is laser technology. The paint techniques I use, exculdes the possibility og copying. It makes my paintings absolute unique. For all paintings I use handmade canvases of high quality, sustainable and environmentally friendly materials.

Every painting provided with my personal signature - a guarantee for the unique quality painting.

With pleasure I present my paintings here and hope you can sense what I want to convey through them.

Yuliya Gurskaya


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